“You know those moments when you are in the flow and lose track of time doing something you love? That’s where the magic happens!
Now, how about recreating that with your dog?
Imagine doing something you both enjoy while also building focus, engagement, more value in the reward, improving your skills as a handler, your communication and timing, improving obedience reliability, and strengthening the connection between you and your dog as you work together as a team… It’s a win-win on so many levels.”
– Roxana, on “Why Train Tricks?”
And if that sounds like something you would like to learn more about, join us for a Trick Training Workshop!*
Topics covered: communication (marker systems and timing); focus and engagement; reward events; variations and applications of touchpad and retrieve exercises; and more.
Point of convergence will be on tricks that can be crossed-over to real world skills, service dog type of tasks, and dog sport exercises. As time allows, we will also review the requirements for AKC Trick Titles, from Novice (TKN) all the way to Elite Performer (TKE).
Working spots (dog/handler teams) will have the opportunity to demonstrate current repertoire of tricks, functional obedience, and sport foundation, if any, and to receive feedback and individualized training advice. Handlers will also get recommendations as to the best route to the preferred AKC Trick Title (if any), customized to their dog’s current known behaviors and capabilities.
* Dates, locations, and additional details on the WORKSHOPS page.